Wednesday 21 January 2015

New year, new dream.

In the morning of January 1 2015.  Bedford channel, Fraser liver Fort Langley.


Fort Langleyに引っ越してからちょうど1ヶ月、最後のブログ更新から数年が経ち...。

その間に私の人生は激動していました。結婚して、Vancouver downtown からSurreyに移り、



Commission art の依頼も何件かたまっているので、今日から新規一転、益々良い仕事をしようと思います。


It was a perfect new year's day in 2015, which I was filled with good fortune. Here in Fort Langley is full of good spirits and destination of our happiness.

I'm sitting in my new office and typing this now, where we finally put together including my big Mac, (it's my computer not my food lol!) on my new desk yesterday.  So let me start my blog over again.

It's been a month since we moved into this old house yet new for us :),  well, we are still doing our house renovation, and been few years since my last post of the blog. My life has changed drastically since then. Married to the best guy, moved to Surrey from Vancouver downtown, Finished school, sent my beloved kitty to the better place, a half century of my life was past, and moved in here where we've always admired after all. So on so on.

I believe that our new lives here will be amazing!

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