Friday 6 February 2015

Windy day. My favourite coffee. お気に入りのコーヒー


Today's Fraser river. Very windy and rainy Friday afternoon.


I went for coffee and lunch with my friend yesterday.  She picked me up at the mall where 10 minutes bus ride from mine. And we went to Starbucks where other 2 were waiting for us. Actually. I met them the first time. They are Mom friends for each other and having coffee together while their children went to the same Japanese language school. 


At first I thought it was almost impossible to find any Japanese friends here because it was not Vancouver! lol. However, My husband and I heard a Japanese conversation at near organic supermarket the other day. It was a nice young woman shopping with her little daughter. Since my husband felt a bit guilty because he brought me form Vancouver downtown where all my friends were, to a rural. And then he tried to get their attention for me. He was about to tell her little daughter "Oishii" which is "delicious" instead of "Kawaii" "Cute" in English. It was funny but anyway worked to make us friends since then. She has a good network here in Langley for making Japanese friends via children's school activities, and she always introduce me to her new friends. I'm so lucky to encounter her that day and I appreciate her friend ship for me. Life in Langley is no too bad end up.

さて今日に話に戻って。夕食のパンとお気に入りのコーヒを買いに行きました。これ、Republica のDark Angel. ダークローストなのだけどもまろやかで、個人的にはラテを作るのにピッタリだと思ってます。

Well, get the story back to today. I went to grocery shopping and a coffee shop very close to mine for my favourite coffee beans. It's call "Dark Angel" from Republica. It is dark roast yet smooth which is perfect to make latte for me.

お借りした写真。お店の中。Fort Langley のダウンタウンにあります。実は日本人の方がオーナー。ここで焙煎していて、お店中の香ばしいコーヒーの香りが立ちこめて幸せな気分になります。コーヒー豆はオーガニック。しばらく前からファンだったのですが、まさかこんなに近くに引っ越してこれるなんてラッキー!

I borrowed the picture but this is inside the shop. Actually I have been a fan of this excellent organic coffee roaster for a while. The shop was filled with fascinating coffee aroma and it made me happy. The owner of this roaster is Japanese, by the way.  I am lucky to move into this neighbourhood.


A wall painting in front of the coffee shop.


It's a long weekend in BC for a family day, isn't it? Hope you have a great weekend!

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